Friday, May 30, 2008


Ya muslimin,make sure that you all check carefully the Quran and some al-quran verses b4 u all buy them..Look at the example left....the word there actually doesn't come from Al-Quran....Next,look at the word around....It stated that the middle word is from surah Injiluu Matay.....In Quran,it clearly doesn't has any surah called Surah Injiluu Matay....

Holidays....what should we do???

Students should always think what they should do mainly when they have leisure time.They should manage their time properly so that they can know what they will do next and next..basically we as human,should think of our own responsibilities...we cannot accept that our tasks are just for eat,drink,sleep,marry,have childrens,and so on.But our most resposibilities that we unrealized about that is to put our religion at the highest place.we should make an effort to make all the people around the world understand about islam.But,we are not realy realized about,we more prefer to finish our time by doing something that just satisfied our desire..

These responsibilities basically are really hard...but if we are really want to do them,they will become easier...So,please are the hope of this country,you should perform well in all aspects...Finish your holidays with benefit works...Hopefully we will see again in july with some good changes.....

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Lecturers help students??

Basically,there are just only a few of lecturers help students to make some efforts to get their rights…Although we know that lecturers are really busy with their works,but they should spend sometimes to get with students and discuss what are the problems among student..Lecturers generally are the staffs in University,so when the lecturers involve with the student movement…maybe some of the problems easily can be handled…

In addition,some of the lecturers also just give a lecture and mostly forget to teach students about another criteria such as behaviour component,leadership component,relationship component and many more….In fact,those lecturers ca only produce student who perform well in academic only but worst in behaviour,action and many more….

Please make a change for our benefits….

Narjis storm in Myanmar and Earth-quake in China…


Thousand of people have been died when these two disasters happened in China and Myanmar…Now , the victims that have been saved should face some problems when the quantity of the foods, water and medicine becoming decreased…the government from both countries forced themselves to accept the help from other countries although it’s really dangerous because it can be effect the social factor in the both countries…

Basically we can imagine that this world basically one day to another day become destroy…although we try to take care this world carefully, this world straightly will go to the end….so these disasters are just the small figures how the earth will be end later…just imagine…when the end day later, the mountains will fly over, the sky will be roll on…the stars will be separate and not stayed at their orbit yet….it’s really frighten….

But for these disasters,we should accept it as god’s power….we should be patient in all aspects although it’s really hard to accept….we should ask for the forgiveness from our god because of our uncountable sins….

So we should take this phenomenon as a lesson to us and hopefully we will continue our life with the exact and true things that God agree…

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Let's wake up!!!!!!

Where are other Muslims????Why they don't help them????Where other people...???
Why we just watching.....???The Zionis Soldiers straightly killed them....Kids,women,old people...all of them had been killed......

Last Friday in Palestine.....9 kids and 1 woman had been killed there....they shouting to all people in the world to help them.....but nobody answer.....

We in Malaysia...everyday....eating until our stomach full...we may select variety of foods...we can laugh and cheer....we can watch football match with our friends....cheer,shouting,laughing non-stop....We in Malaysia..dancing and playing music in clubs....we race our bikes....we watch music channel in tv....we feel sad and crying just because the singers had been rejected....We enjoy to watch drama...telenovela,indonesia series as our favourite...We in Malaysia....we have a lot of parties...we mix men and women...until the couple phenomenon like the routine thing..

Our friends in Palestine....Some students went to school to study....but they returned back as Jenazah...They are hungry everyday....they wear old clothes....they always sick....Physical and mental...The are crying everyda...they always remember when they will go to another world....

But...we in Malaysia...we have a lot of mosques...But the mosques are not full with people....We are always and work...collecting money...we want to challenge who is richest,have the best house and car....untill forget to pay zakat...we in Malaysia....we can the best clothes...but sadly..our women buy clothes that not suitable with them...They buy clothes that suitable for kids....small size...We in Malaysia...always caring about our physical appearance...buying make up tools to make our faces look handsome and beautiful....

Our relatives in Palestine....They live in poor....they don't think anymore about their body....because their body had been cut and Zionis soldier....they want to pray in Masjid Al-Aqsa...but they are frighten....worry if a bomb exploited.....that will spread the parts of their body...

Please people....wake up now....change our mind and behaviour....we have a lot of works to do....As-Syahid Imam Hassan Al-Banna said:Our works actually more than the time we have...

let we think it back and make some actions now.....Amin

Student Representative???It is good to be???

Student representative is really important when there are a group of students gather....But what basically our objectives as a representative????just for glamour?Show our attitude?power to guide another students???

Basically the tasks of student representatives are really hard.....They should know everything of their members under them....about the condition of them,the needed of them,the problems of them and many more....

The leaders should help students under them to get the justice...Help them if they have problem in monetary,academic status,sosial status and many no rest for a leader...But if the leaders do their job well...they will get a good life in this world....they will protect under shade of Arash at akhirat soon....Go to heaven in front lines and many more....

So,we as a student should select our leaders as best as possible....base on their strengths,taqwa,discipline and many more....

If we select the wrong leaders,the situation next will be worst and we also will get the PUNISHMENT if the leaders do the wrong things.....

Let's take a time and think carefully......

What happen???

It is true one of the security guard involved in corruption????Let we do investigation.....One of the chinese student in UPM had been said was forced by the security guard to pay as high as RM 1000 to make him free from the dicipline action...we as a student cannot leave this problem just at this level.....we should do more and more investigation until the Silent robber can be catch....

Friday, May 16, 2008

University student....

Nowdays,there are a lot of people qualify to study in university...Firstly congrats to all of them...But the most important thing is aren't these students who were graduate from their own Unv perform well in their job fields???...Basically in job fields...there is not only the academic factor is important....a million of skills are really need in the job fields such leadership skill,communication skill and many more...But,in the Unv reality today,students actually were prevent by the University community to involve in global and national activities.....Students just only look the academic view at University and they directly forget about another skills that they basically should have....So that's why our Students as range cannot be able to sit and standing at the same level with other students overseas....Let think it back...

Hai Orang Muda???

Wahai Orang Muda....Engkau umpama Emas....Yang amat berguna kepada negara pada suatu hari nanti...Jualkan keupayaan mu untuk mendapatkan suatu yang lebih baik...

Orang Muda pada hari ini kerana berani.....berani dalam menegakkan kebenaran dan memberi pandangan untuk menegur pimpinan Muda ataupun peringkat nasional...

Walaupun diasak macam kanak-kanak di gedung ilmu...Namun kita anda perlu bangkit sambil menggeggam tangan dan melaungkan suara perjuangan sebenar...

Jangan terus terleka......jangan mabuk dengan kemewahan dan keseronokan dunia yang sekejap....

Jika tidak...kamu semua akan jadi manusia bodoh yang hanya megikut nafsu dan syaitan semata-mata.......

Jangan lupe....teruskan perjuangan......Bela Islam,umat dan diri sendiri...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Selamat Hari Cikgu

Selamat hari guru........cikgu engkaulah penyuluh hati kami......pembimbing kami mengenal erti sebnar kehidupan......Terima kasih......

Hari Jumaat Hari Raya

Ramai orang yang tidak mengetahui bahawa hri jumaat merupakan hari yang sangat istimewa untuk umat islam...Hari Jumaat mengandungi pelbagai rahsia yang zahir dan tersembunyi....cume kite je yang tak ambil berat....Apkah peristiwa yang berlaku pada hari Jumaat?? antaranya....Nabi Adam dicipta, dimasukkan ke syurga, dikeluarkan dari syurga, berlakunya hari Kiamat (seperti yang diriwayatkan oleh Muslim), Allah mengampunkan dosa Nabi Adam, hari kewafatan Nabi Adam (al-Muwatta' Imam Malik)

Selain itu,kita juga membudayakan untuk pergi ke masjid bagi menunaikan solat jumaat dalam keadaan lewat dan hanya menanti azan baru nak bergerak....hal ini klu tidak dinasihat balik mungkin akan menjadi darah daging dalam masyarakat....

Khutbah Jumaat sangat penting untuk kita menghayatinya......namun masyarakat hari ini seolah-olah menjadikan tempat khutbah sebagai tempat istirehat iaitu untuk tidur....Yang paling melucukan ada yang sampai bermimpi yang bukan-bukan yang akhirnya mengejutkan orang lain dlam masjid....Bukan ape ramai yang letih agknya...mungki sebab keje dan sebagainya.....klu pikir balik.....rasionalnya untuk kerajaan Malaysia menjadikan hari jumaat sebagai hari cuti bukannya hari ahad.....

Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda:
Hari yang terbaik bagi kamu adalah hari jumaat; jadi perbanyakkan selawat pada hari tersebut.
Maka sesungguhnya selawat yg kamu ucapkan akan dibentangkan kepadaku. Para sahabat bertanya "Bagaimana pula selawat kami dibentangkan kepadamu sedangkan tubuhmu sudah hancur." Beliau bersabda "Sesungguhnya bumi tidak makan jasad anbiya"(Hr Abu Daud)

Sunday, May 11, 2008


Selamat Hari Ibu kepada semua ibu-ibu di dunia.....Semoga segala pengorbanan diganjarkan dengan ganjaran yang setimpal.....


Islam ada lima rukun:Mengucap dua kalimah syahadah-sembahyang lima waltu sehari semalam-Membayar zakat-berpuasa di bulan ramadhan-mengerjakan haji di baitullah