Invite people to the truth,good and better way is really important...we as a student,worker,leader or someone else should make an effort to invite/call people to the good thing..we may invite people with many ways..maybe we invite them in usrah system,maybe we call them to the truth after a conversation in lunch hour..maybe we take their heart in football games,maybe after paying their meals,maybe after entering a night club....many ways......
As a muslim,we should remember that our task is not only call the potential people to the truth...Potential people means the people who looks nice,good,truthful and etc..we should call people to the truth no matter what category are they....we should make an effort to call mat rempit,minah rempit,bohsia,bohjan,mat ganja and many more to the better ways....
but,maybe our method to those people quite different...if we want to do usrah with them,surely they don't want it...maybe we should think another way...
All people have a potential....No matter how bad they are....we should ddo our job....
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